STEP 1 | Become a Contestant
1. Submit “Become a Contestant” Online Registration Form
You will need to provide contact info for you and your parent/guardian as well as some basic biographical information about yourself.
2. Submit Registration Fee
You are required to pay Registration Fee of $50 which is due on or before April 1st. You can also pay in person by appointment with Mr. Scott.
3. Submit “Official Release of Liability” Form
You and a parent/guardian are required to complete and sign this required online form.
STEP 2 | Items due by May 1st
1. Submit Entry Fee
You are REQUIRED to pay Entry Fee of $200 due on or before May1st. (In person by appointment with Mr. Scott)
You may obtain sponsors for this purpose. Based upon the amount of their donation, they may be eligible for show tickets and promotional consideration. Refer to the Official Handbook linked above for Donation Letter and Sponsor Form you can provide to potential sponsors.
NOTE: Additional prizes available for sponsor recruitment above $200. Sponsor recruitment prizes have NO BEARING on the outcome of the competition.
2. Submit “All About Me” Online Form
You will need to prepare thoughtful answers for this required form which is used as a resume during panel interviews. Refer to the Official Handbook linked above for guidance, tips & complete instructions.
3. Submit “Volunteer Service” Form
You will need to gather the following information for AT LEAST one but NOT MORE than three organizations for which you have volunteered at some point during the past two years. Refer to the Official Handbook linked above for guidance, tips & complete instructions.
- Club/Organization Name
- Indicate whether it is a School or Community organization
- Years of Service
- Name, phone number and email of adult reference from this organization (NOT a family member)
- List/Describe activities completed for each organization in the past two years (250 words or les)
4. Submit “Academic Achievement” Form
You will need to gather the following three items in order to complete the required form. Refer to the Official Handbook linked above for guidance, tips & complete instructions.
Submission Requirements:
- Young Division (Ages 10-12): Submit a 75-100 word academic statement answering:
What is your favorite subject and why? What is something interesting you’ve learned? - Teen Division (Ages 13-15): Submit a 100-250 word academic statement answering:
Describe a time you worked hard for success in school. What motivated you, and what did you learn? - Upper Division (Ages 16-20): Submit a 350-500 word academic statement answering:
Why is academic achievement important, and how will it help your future goals?
- Young Division (Ages 10-12): Submit a 75-100 word academic statement answering:
Additional Requirements:
- Letter of Recommendation: One one-page letter from a teacher, counselor, or administrator (no family members). .
- (Upper Division Only): Submit official transcripts for all high school and college coursework to Mr. Scott by 7:00 PM on May 1.
Important Notes:
- Your submission will be presented exactly as written, so check grammar, spelling, and punctuation.
- Word limits must be followed—excess text will be removed.
- Late entries may receive a score reduction.
Deadline: 7:00 PM on May 1. Review the Official Rules & Regulations for full details.
5. Submit “Community Advocacy Speech” Form
You are required to provide the EXACT content of your Community Advocacy Speech (100 words or less)
STEP 3 | Items due by June 6th
1. Submit Stage Arts Form
This form requires you to provide mandatory information in advance so that the technical directors can prepare the materials for the competition show and technical rehearsal.
- Brief description of your stage arts presentation.
- Title of Work
- Original Artist
- List of EXACT props, instruments and/or equipment that will be used on-stage.
- If you plan to use music for your presentation in the Stage Arts phase of the competition, you are REQUIRED to submit audio track EDITED for the 2:00 minute time limit.
You should begin the process of completing your online application forms early, entering the required information and uploading required support documents and files by the stated deadlines. These will be the official forms used by the judges to score you for the various phases of competition. Pay attention to each section as the rules are specific, any missing information or late information may result in a reduction in your score for the applicable phase of competition. Most sections have word limits and each form has specific deadlines. Let’s dive into what is required for each of these items listed above.
If you have any questions or need additional assistance, please contact Douglas Scott, Competition Director.