Become A Contestant Today!
Did you know?
- Each year Manteca Youth Focus gives away OVER FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS in educational scholarships?
- EVERY contestant participates is guaranteed a minimum scholarship!
- As a member of the “All-Star Team” you will receive training to gain invaluable skills such as resume-writing, interviewing, public speaking AND create your own Community Advocacy Project!
Open to boys & girls ages 10-20

Are you interested in becoming a contestant for this year's Manteca Youth Focus Scholarship Competition?
A Competition Director will contact you within 72 hours.
Deadline for entries is May 1st each year.
NOTE: There is no obligation to compete by completing this form. However, to reserve your spot in this year’s competition, you must submit $50 Entry Fee and this form on or before the May 1st deadline. This form is required for all contestants in the Manteca Youth Focus Scholarship Competition regardless of age division.
2025 Contestant Registration is now closed.
Please fill out the following information below to have a director contact you with more information: